Monday 2 June 2008

Week 23 - only two weeks left to go!

Today its Monday and I am very slow. Did a new environment and some new characters this weekend though and improved the shower scene- changed the environment so that shower curtains don't cover their heads, improved and added more animation to some of the characters and etc - still the scene doesn't want to render and Alex hasn't gat back to me since friday so I am going to mail him again, I am also asking friends that work with After Effects but no one seems to know what is cosing this fault, ofcourse it makes me nervous but there must be a solution!!

Here are some pics that I am very happy about - my illustrations being sold on a gallery in Munchen :)

Today was the last day that people could vote for the Skillset exhibition - it's obvious that people has voted for their friends instead of thinking about who could make an nice exhibition- Aminata only gat two votes and she is one of the most talented students in the class and Jessica Do who also is brilliant wasn't even on the list!! I gat three votes so I am happy that someone voted for me, I had two industry people interested in my work last year - but now I don't know if I will exhibit, anyway, I just hope that chosen students don't stick A4 and A3 prints up on the walls with blue tag as on our fist year "exhibition" cos that is so lame.

Yes, its Monday and I a grumpy cos my files aren't rendering..and cos it doesn't look the way i want.

anyway, I am changing environments and details back n forth as I am trying to get the style and look i want and as i am not happy with how things look- there's a difference having stuff looking funnily drawn or looking shit drawn.. I am now changing massage Ruth's animation for the 25 th time and I DO HATE HER and the spa is re drawn- again. But its worth it, its small small improvements every time so atleast its improving so its going to right direction but a little bit to slow for my liking.

I have done lots of new monsters as i would like to have s gym in there as well but i am leaving them and is trying to get the spa and the massage scene better first. I can't wait to finish college now, I am really tired of it.

this monster looks like i feel

peace n luv,

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